Tourism in Quebec North - Nord du Québec

You are at Canada / Quebec / Quebec North - Nord du Québec.

Aventures Nipissi offers some vacations and sport-fishing package in a unique surrounding, peaceful and pleasant, located in the North of Quebec. A unique destination. (take a look at the picture!)

Leaf River estuary lodge is one of a kind, characterized by the highest tides in the world, up to 55 feet, this fishing site offers some of the most spectacular scenery in Nunavik.

Camp de la montagne Pyramid Le camp Pyramide est l'une des plus vieilles pourvoiries dans le domaine de la pêche au saumon de l'Atlantique sur la rivière Georges.

Visitor information
Mabec outfitters Nestled in the heart of a game-filled boreal forest, set against a backdrop of hills and mountains, Mabec Outfitters is located on the shores of the great Lac Manitou - so named by early explorers in homage to the great spirit of the Amerindians.

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